15 October 2006

Gary Hill is one of the most important contemporary artists investigating the relationships between words and electronic images. His inquiries into linguistics and consciousness offer resonant philosophical and poetic insights, as he explores the formal conjunctions of electronic visual and audio elements with the body and the self. With experimental rigor, conceptual precision and imaginative leaps of discovery, Hill's work in video is about, and is, a new form of writing. <http://www.eai.org/eai/artist.jsp?artistID=454>

06 September 2006

Hello everybody! This is my first blog, it might take me a while to adapt to this new medium - new to me that is! - so please excuse me if for the first few posts this blog will only be a few boring lines!

"The Medium is the Massage"
(Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964)